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Elderly life insurance 78 year - options , Elderly life insurance 78 years . shopping elderly life insurance 78 years , concerned leaving financial burden family. biggest reason seniors life insurance plan age 78 - purchase small policy cover cost funeral expenses final expenses left .. http://www.lifeinsuranceforelderly.org/elderly-life-insurance-78-years-old.html Life insurance -- 78 year woman , Very simply life insurance. question amount coverage cost. life insurance policies health questions cost 78 year high amount coverage limited ( maximum $50,000) type policy graduated benefit. . https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20071114093116AANsYFF Where find term life insurance 81-year-?, A typical 81-year- male' $100,000 term life insurance policy cost $1,000 month. 81-year- female, similar policy cost $800 month. 81-year- female, similar policy cost $800 month.. https://thelawdictionary.org/article/where-can-i-find-term-life-insurance-for-an-81-year-old/